Sunday, January 26, 2014

Spring Is The Best Time To Plant Garden Plants

When it comes time to preparing your garden, planting to make sure your ferns, perennials, and annuals bloom successfully. The biggest benefit to planting during the spring is you have already avoided the coldest part of the year, and you still have months before the extreme heat bears down on your plants. Spring planting will ensure that by the time the summer rolls around, the roots will have taken and the plants will be able to survive through to the fall. This means that next year the spring blooming. 

Even though the spring is the most ideal time to plant your garden, that can also depend greatly on the types of plants you have. Annuals, ferns, and wildflowers do best when planted in the spring because their seedlings are very fragile and do not do well in extreme heat when that small. When ground covers are planted early spring, you give the root system the best opportunity to grow and gather important nutrients that the plants will need to get through the extreme heat of summer. Spring planting should always be done after the last freeze, and contacting your nursery to ensure those dates have passed will make sure your spring blooming next season will be successful.

Ground covers planted in the spring that have the best chance of survival are your perennials, petunias, marigolds, begonias, and vinca. When you successfully plant annuals the year earlier, you can replant the bulbs the following year to make the ground covering more diverse. It can help you to expand your garden so that it reaches areas of the yard not yet worked. Spring planting should always be monitored closely because if that unexpected freeze where to hit your area and you didn't have time to protect those seedlings, you could lose the entire garden in a single night. 

To make sure your spring blooming is bountiful, get those seedlings in the ground as soon as the ground thaws and water them frequently, right up to the summer. Within those three months the ground covers will have a firm hold in the ground and will thrive through the rest of the year.

You can buy gardening plants from a reputable online nursery.

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