Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Plants to Use in Wildfire Prone Areas

 Do you live in an area where wildfires are common, and the smoke or heat are such that more traditional plants might be damaged? Particularly in the southwest, fire safety has become a huge topic relevant to home and garden owners. Hard winds can make embers fly well ahead of any wildfire flames, and can threaten gardens and houses alike. So, if one might design their home with fire-resistant materials in mind, why not do the same for their garden?

A garden which is fire-safe can be just as colorful as one which is not! There are simply two additional objectives to bear in mind when selecting your plants:
- reducing the flammability of the plants in your garden. Some plants, such as succulents, are far less likely to catch on fire than, say, some types of grasses!
- maintaining open areas close to hoses and other water sources. This is just common sense: you want to be able to easily access hoses and water in the event a fire is started!

When selecting plants for the best fire-proof garden, consider looking to retailers like Online Plant Nursery, located at: They have a wealth of plants perfect for creating a beautiful, safe garden. But what plants should you consider?

Sunset Hyssop, Hummingbird Mint, Hummingbird Trumpet, Asters, Buffalograss, Manzanita, and even many roses are all considered strongly resistant against fires, while also being very colorful and dynamic in the garden. Humminbird Mint, for example, is fragrant and beauitfully flowering, and can grow as much as four feet tall. Late summer roses are known for their grace and beauty.. but also  their adaptability to rough conditions, easily able to survive the heat and smoke of nearby wildflowers while being resistant to easily catching aflame. 

Some Common Poisonous Garden Plants

Though often quite attractive, there are many common plants and flowers which are often used in gardens and landscaping… which are poisonous! While some poisonous plants give only relatively mild effects, such as headaches, others can induce seizures, or even kill you. Serious gardeners and landscapers are often encouraged to study handbooks of poisonous plants, so that they can easily recognize them when they see them. Children are especially at risk for consuming poisonous plants, and should be carefully monitored when in garden areas containing known poisonous plants.

Wisteria For Sale are one poisonous vining plant, often cultivated for their beautiful blue-purple blooms, which fall like thick grape clusters. Eating almost any part of this plant can cause various conditions, ranging from cramps, nausea, diarrhea, and even vomiting. Anti-nausea pills can help to mitigate severe symptoms.

Foxglove is another beautiful but poisonous plant. It can grow up to 3 feet in height, and features drooping, bell-like flowers which can be either white, purple, or pink. Special, concentrated compounds from this plant are used in the pharmaceutical industry. Eating parts of this plant can induce pain in the mouth, nausea, or vomiting. In severe cases of poisoning by foxglove, one’s stomach may need to be pumped of the plant’s toxins.
Shockingly, hydrangea  is also poisonous. Despite being a popular plant in yards and gardens,  this plant can easily cause stomach ache and nausea… and, unfortunately, in some case may cause itchy skin, seizures, breakdown in the circulatory system, and even a coma. Luckily, scientists have developed simple antidotes to hydrangea poisoning!

Lily of the Valley is another poisonous plant which makes the list! Sometimes called mayflowers, the small bell-shaped flowers of these plants are easily distinguished in many gardens. Harmless in small doses, this plant cam affect your heart rate, and cause pain in the mouth, or gastro-intestinal discomfort. Poisoning by Lily of the Valley is often treated by using charcoal to absorb the toxin.

Flamingo Flowers (Anthurium) is also a poisonous plant, though often used in more southern locations. This plant can cause a burning and blistering of the hands and mouth, and may also damage your voice. In severe cases, it may affect the muscles of your throat, affecting your ability to swallow. These symptoms are typically temporary, and most recommend that they be treated with pain pills and cool liquids!

Did you know that even mums are slightly poisonous? These plants, popular around the holidays, are often planted around gardens and landscaping to keep pesky rabbits at bay. Eating the flower heads can cause inflammation and mild allergic reactions. 

Protecting Your Garden Plants From Old Man Winter's Chill

Protecting Perennials  and other Garden Plants over the Winter

Perennials are plants that live more than two years. Although they are meant to live for a number of years, they may need some protection to survive the winter months. The type of protection depends on the plant and the type of winter weather your area usually experiences. If you live in an area that has extreme winter weather you will need to take additional steps to protect your plants.

Perennials that are classified as hardy can typically survive the winter months with little or no protection. Even though they are able to survive winter months, they may not be able to survive heat and drought. Plants that are half-hardy or tender perennials will likely survive mild winter weather but need protection for severe cold and snow.

The most common type of protection in colder parts of the country is to use mulch, such as bark chips or a layer of leaves. In some areas, gardeners leave dead foliage to protect their plants, but by doing this you run the risk of disease or insect problems. If you do leave the dead foliage during the winter months, it is advised to remove it as early as possible in the spring.

By applying mulch you help the plants to stay dormant. If the mulch is applied too early, when the soil temperature is still warm it will cause the plant to continue to grow and subject to damage during the winter.

It is important to research what kind of protection is advised for your area. Experts at nurseries and gardens can provide you with guidelines on how and when to protect your plants so you can enjoy them for multiple years. 
Are You Looking For Low Priced Garden Plants?

Summer is slipping away and so are the blooms

When spring comes it brings the opportunity to get out of the house and work on our gardens. We will be getting the weeds out of the garden, clearing debris, putting in new soil and mulch and lastly planting new flowers.We might even make new gardens for our yard so we can have even more flowers, or simply fixing up the old gardens to create beautiful oasis to look at daily. Shortly after the flowers are planted we will begin to see blooms start to sprout out on our flowers. The gardens will need to be watered daily if it does not rain.

As spring ends and summer begins we will begin to see more and more blooms on our flowers and we will have a colorful world to look at. As we drive down the road we will get to see everyone's gardens and be able to look at the flowers that are blooming everywhere. During the summer months we will be responsible to keep our gardens watered, especially during the very hot summer days. We will also need to make sure the weeds stay at bay and the bugs do not invade our gardens and eat up all our flowers and plants. 

Now that summer is coming to a close all of our flowers will start to loose their leaves and slowly die until next year. We will loose the beauty of what have had for several months but we can start to plan for the next season by planning on what flowers to plant and how we want our gardens to look. It is sad that all our hard work comes to an end but we will have in our hearts for the rest of the year the beauty we saw for a short time and look forward to seeing it again.   

Fall's Most Brilliant Trees

Autumn's Array of Colorful Foliages

Trees during the season of autumn can provide a wonderful array of colorful displays. If you find the right species of trees, you may even be able to coordinate a vibrant display of foliage during the fall. In this article I will go over some of the most vivacious fall foliage. By the time, the earth reaches its autumnal equinox, the species G. biloba, commonly known as a Gin
ko, is known for its spectacularly vivid yellow leaves. These trees have the potential to grow up to 80' tall and have fan-shaped leaves that resemble a maidenhair fern.

Cotinus coggygria, also known as smokebush or smoketree, can come in a variety of colors. A non-hybrid smokebush will usually have yellow and/or orange, red fall foliage. With the Royal Purple breed, the fall foliage is scarlet red. Finally, the Ancot breed turns a vivid orange during fall.

Cercidiphyllum japonicium, or the Katsura Tree, has densely packed, rounded leaves. During fall, they will begin to display a yellow or pinkish hue. Additionally, the Katsura tree gives off a spicy/sweet aroma when the leaves begin to die.

Witch Hazel is a native species to the United States and has a combination of colorful fall foliages, beautiful flowers and a spicy aroma. Even after all the leaves have fallen, the yellow Witch Hazel flowers will persist, adding color to a rather dull winter landscape.

Maple trees may be the most familiar of all fall foliages with their iconic shaped leaves. They are the quintessential species indigenous to New England, and have served to attract thousands of gawking tourists and enthusiasts each year. Maple trees can provide brilliant shades of orange, red and yellow. They can grow to an astounding 75 feet, but there are other kinds of maples that can accommodate a smaller yard as well.A Plant Nursery has most affordable fall foliage trees
Garden Plants Affordable Shipped To Your Door

Sun Perennials

Best Sun Perennials

Although there are several sun perennials only a few stand out among the rest as the most beautiful in the garden. Many perennials prefer the sun and have their season when they sprout the best.

A Blanket flower (gaillardia) is a drought- and heat-tolerant perennial wildflower that keep its long-lasting color in a sunny perimeter with indigent soil. Whether it is in red, gold, or brown, its daisy-like and 3-inches wide.You can find single or double flowers blooming through the summer and into the fall season. Although they have a short duration they can easily grow and will flower the first year from seed.

Veronicas are beautiful flower that bloom 12 to 24 inch in shades of blue or red from the start of summer to fall. In the northern part of the country these perennials prefer the sun but in the south they recommend the shade. The plants should be planted at the front of the bed. 

Tall Garden Phlox grow to be 3 to 4 feet tall and carry large trusses of fragrant flowers from summer to the start of fall. Phlox is light and sweet in fragrance and are well suited to sprout in the back of the garden. 

Russian Sage is best suited to be located in larger gardens. These perennials are 3-foot-wide by 5-foot-tall plants with blue flowers showing towards the end of summer. Russian sage prefer the sun and withstand drought and heat. These plants are desirable at the back of the bed where they can have enough room to grow. 

Perennial Sage is a hybrid plant and a relative in the herb garden. Plant this perennial under the sun in the front or middle of the border. Perennial Sage can be sighted as white, blue or purple flower standing 18 inches tall.     

Buy quality perennials for sun at a plant nursery

Best Perennials For Shade

Best Shade Wildflower Perennials

There are quite a few shade perennials, but my pick for the best five shade perennials are:

1. Hardy Geranium: Hardy Geraniums have to be one of the toughest plants in any shade garden. It doesn't have a problem with either heat or drought and rabbits and deer's generally pass right by it in search of a more tasty meal. When springtime arrives you are treated to a wonderful display of pink or white flowers. The geranium is hardy in zones 4 to 8 and grows 2 feet tall.

2. Toad Lilies: You really should have some toad lilies in your garden. Toad lilies bloom with these beautiful orchid like flowers that really catch your eye. You will get the best results when they are exposed to light shade and humus rich soil. They are great as borders and wherever you need simple plants among your shrubs. They are hardy in zones 4 to 9, and they grow to 1 to 3 feet tall depending on the variety, and are about 1 to 2 feet wide. They bloom in late summer to late fall depending on the variety.

3. Common toad lilies: These fuzzy beauties have arching stems that bear clusters of upright flowers. The flowers are white and are spotted with dark purple. Common toad lilies grow to about 3 feet tall and are hardy in zones 4 to 9.

4. Ajuga: This is a great groundcover and is grown mainly for its foliage, but it also has attractive flowers. The leaves are glossy, dark green and in the springtime it spikes with blue flowers. Ajuga grows well in zones 3 to 9, and grows to a height of 6 inches.
Ajuga Has Purple Stalk Blooms

5. Old-fashioned bleeding hearts: These are very popular with people who have shaded gardens. It's easy to see why. In late spring and early summer the most wonderful white or pink heart-shaped flowers appear. They are really a sight to behold. This wonderful plant is hardy in zones 3 to 9. The old-fashioned bleeding heart grows up to 4 feet tall.

In my opinion, these are the best five shade perennials. You may have different favorites but you must admit these are top-notch. I wish you wonderful results with your shade garden.

You can Buy Wildflower Perennials at a reputable Online Plant Nursery

Sunday, July 28, 2013

War On Weeds

The Weed Problem

The summer months are often a great time for people to start to buy garden plants at a plant nursery.  Gardening is beautiful and helps in  and improving your lawn and the value of home for re-sell. However, there are certain issues that make this task a challenge. The appearance of weeds can be one of these major problems to deal with.

Weeds are simply common yet unwanted plants that grow in a multitude of places, such as lawns, gardens and farm fields. The main problem with weeds is that they tend to grow at fast rates and take over whole areas, which makes it more difficult to grow other plants in a garden. This is even more problematic for farms besides the abundance of weeds can make growing crops for agriculture incredibly difficult as well. For instance weeds take up more water and sunlight that the crops will need. Weeds can also outgrow other crops and take a better hold if they happen to sprout before the crops in place, which will likely ruin them in the process. Some kinds of weed are even poisonous and can potentially contaminate the other crops.

The best way to deal with invasive weeds is to remove them so they can't cause any damage. Simply pulling up weeds by hand is a good method in removing them because it's easy and doesn't take a lot of work to do. It is important to make sure that the entire plant is taken out, meaning the roots, otherwise they'll grow back in a very short time. It is also important to grab them as early as possible, because some of them are difficult to remove once they are fully grown. Caution should be used in doing this, since some weeds can entangle themselves in with the crops that originally were there, if you happen to own a farm. Getting a weed killer or herbicide to do the job is another way to remove weeds, especially if they're on your lawn. Again, caution is recommended for using chemicals, because some of them can be dangerous to people, animals and even other plants.

Dealing with weeds in your garden, lawn or farm can be a very aggravating thing. However, being able to get rid of these plants is essential for making sure your land is prosperous and healthy.    

Loose Weight Gardening

Loose Weight Staying Active

We all know how important it is to lose weight and stay fit and most of us think that walking, biking or using a treadmill are the most efficient ways to loose weight. However, you can lose weight and stay fit by mowing the lawn, trimming trees, caring for your garden plants, working on your vegetable garden, or doing some yard work.

What makes mowing the lawn or gardening good things to do outside, is that they are great ways to lose weight, get into shape and keep your outside areas in good shape.

For instance, working in your garden can burn up to 150 calories per half hour or by planting seeds can burn up to 150 calories per hour. Other outdoor activities that burn up calories are weeding, digging and harvesting. For example, weeding a garden can burn up almost 140 calories in a half hour, while digging dirt can burn up over 200 calories in a half hour. When you mow your lawn, you are burning up at least 200 calories an hour. Loose weight by doing some outdoor activities.

Of course, when working outdoors, it is important to protect yourself from insect bites, exposure from the sun and heat illness. In addition, if you have any health conditions such as arthritis, use tools that are easy to grip and handle. Another added benefit of working in the garden and other outside activities is that you can enjoy the fresh air and beauty of spring, summer and fall. Working or playing outside can be inspirational and a great benefit to your emotional well-being. Some also suggest that when you mow your lawn, engage in gardening or working on your vegetable garden, weedings your plants, mowing the grass, trimming trees or when doing other outside activities such as bagging up leaves, to start out slowly and work in moderation. As you get used to the activities, slowly increase your work and soon you will find a healthy balance.

Other tips besides starting out slowly—such as starting with a couple of hours the first time and then gradually increasing the tine—is to not lift things that are too heavy, do light stretching before and after the activities, do the outside work three or four times a week and always be careful not to stay on your knees too long when weeding.

It is important to note that working in your garden is almost as good as walking--especially when it pertains to exercise because garden work can lower your blood pressure, prevent diabetes and heart disease and lower your chances of becoming depressed. All in all, you can't go wrong when working outside. It is a win-win event!   

Echinacea Is A Strong Antibotic Without A Prescription

When trying to overcome certain illnesses, specific antibiotics are needed for assistance. Many of today's treatments include a popular herb called echinacea. It is especially specialized in curing the common colds and flu. It was first discovered and used by Native Americans before the time of European settlers and colonizers. Perhaps they never realized echinacea would still be a powerful curing tool hundreds of years later. The powerful remedy of echinacea has the ability to cure many common illnesses.

Strep throat is a bacterial infection of the throat and tonsils that causes irritation, inflammation and a sore throat. Some of the most common symptoms of strep throat are a sore throat, feeling pain when swallowing, fever and swollen tonsils and lymph nodes. If one feels these symptoms formulating, they should get checked for a diagnostic at the doctor's office as soon as they're able to.

The flu is a commonly diagnosed respiratory infection that is formed from several related viruses. The illness is very contagious and can be spread through coughing, sneezing or the simple contact of fluids from the infected person to others. Some common flu symptoms are high fevers, throbbing headaches, fatigue, coughing, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose and aches in the body. 

Genital herpes is an infection that is transmitted through sexual contact and is caused by the herpes simplex virus, commonly known as HSV. It is a terrifying statistical fact that about one in every five U.S. adults and teenagers have had a genital herpes infection of which most were not even aware of. The genitals, anal area, and buttocks are infected by the infection and is highly contagious through sexual contact. It is always important for both partners to get checked by doctors for any sexually transmitted diseases prior to engaging in any type of sexual activity. A online nursery that grows these plants is the best place to get them.

Urinary tract infections are a highly common type of diagnosed infections as there are about 1.5 million hospitalizations yearly for it alone. The majority of those that are affected by urinary tract infections are women, and it is estimated about 20% of all women will be diagnosed with a UTI at least once in their lives. The infection begins with the bacteria E. coli lurking and spreading from the digestive system to the urinary tract. Some of the symptoms of urinary tract infections are: feeling pain when urinating and the urge to urinate often.

Echinacea's strength has the power to cure any of these infections and most certainly it should be considered in using as an antibiotic to get back to full strength of health again.    

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Dolly Parton's Dollywood

Dolly Parton's "Dollywood" Has Exotic Plants

Dolly Parton is a well known entertainer and singer. Dolly Parton has owned and operated Dollywood since 1986. The theme park is located in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

Dollywood is a theme park that features rides,crafts, and music. In addition, the theme park is known to have a variety of exotic  garden plants throughout the spacious grounds.

Dollywood has a variety of wildflowers throughout the theme park. Wildflower is abroad term which refers to a number of plants that grow in the wild. Popular kinds of wildflowers that are displayed at the theme park are Adonis, Coreopsis Tinctoria and Digitalis Purpurea. Wildflowers normally grow within warm climates and last a long time.

The Adonis is a popular wildflower that grows in humid climates only. The Adonis is scarlet in color with dark spots at the base. The Adonis grows to about 10 inches in height.

Perennials are flowers which thrive in warmer climates. Perennials are very colorful and come in a variety of colors and sizes.

Agapanthus are colorful flowers which originate from the Perennial plant. Agapanthus flowers grow in the warm weather and they can grow to about 2 feet in height.

Agave are a more hearty type of flower which grow to about 15 inches in height. These flowers are hearty and can withstand the cooler weather.

The Ajuga flowers are present all year as long as the temperature stays relatively warm. The Ajuga can grow to about 9 inches in height and are very colorful.

Anemone are colorful but delicate flowers. The Anemone flowers can grow to about 3 feet high. These flowers are so colorful they are often picked before they reach full growth.

The Aster is a flowering plant that contains about 600 species. The plants normally produce flowers that are deep purple in color and very attractive to look at. These flowers normally grow between 2-5 feet in height.

Dolly's theme park is a fascinating place which attracts thousands of visitors each any every year. The fact that Dolly Parton owns and operates the theme park could be the main reason that people wish to visit. 

Morphine,Perocet, Hydrocodone and Other Narcotics Are Derived From Native Plants

There is a lot of plants that are misused today that actually grows wild. For example, the poppy plant makes opiate drugs. They are schedule 2 narcotics and are very addictive. It's also used for anesthesia in operating rooms.

The dried latex of the plant is 12% morphine and this drug are often prescribed to stage three and four cancer patients.You scratch the seed pods and yellowish substances that is very sticky and is a yellow color is derived from the pods to get the full strength medicine. The poppy is used in raw formats the synthesis to make hydro-morphine as well as hydrocodone and other pain relieving opiates.  

Heroin can also be made of opium, and it's small in volume thus making it very effective to smuggle from country to country. Heroin products twice the effects of morphine. In China, this drug was a "feel good" drug of choice and the poppy plants grow in abundance there.

There's a lot of very potent medications that is synthetically derived from plants, such as:
Pain Relieving Narcotics
Heart Digitalis
Pain Medications
Insomnia Medications
Bi Polar Disorders

and many more...

Some Online Plant Nurseries offers a lot of these wild type flower plants in the real herbal form with
the root and top attached. For example, the Ginseng herb from the woods of North American can be
purchased in full strength, the plant itself in some of the native nurseries.

Queen Elizabeth's Hobby is Gardening

Gardening Has Helped Queen Elizabeth Stay Active

When Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain was a girl, her family saw to it that the she and the rest of the nation got involved with the Dig for Victory campaign during World War II. The idea was to help increase the output of food available to those living in England during the war by planting victory gardens to grow fruits and vegetables. Thus soccer fields and the edges of railway yards soon became public places to grow garden plants.

As Queen of England, Elizabeth continued to stay involved in her greatest hobby, gardening issues as the grounds at Buckingham Palace and other places are immense, requiring a team of people to maintain them.

Over the years, at Buckingham Palace, Queen Elizabeth has instituted a long grass policy in several parts of the palace grounds, resulting in wildflowers growing freely throughout the estate. In addition to wildflowers, in 2009, she added an organic garden to encourage the country to continue to grow its own garden plants. Strawberries and beans from the garden have been served to the royal family.
The active planning of all these activities means that the Queen of England has an interest in the environment and agriculture. On the other hand, it would be fairly unlikely to see her out there working in the garden as Michelle Obama was doing at the White House during the same time frame.

In fact, two years ago, the Royal Family had a bit of trouble hiring a new royal gardener for Buckingham Palace. The royal gardener supervises the grounds and coordinates the shipment of fertilizer from the other family estates, while ensuring that the lawns and the gardens remain maintained. The salary includes accommodations, but as with many jobs, the salary was not necessarily commensurate with the experience that they were looking for.

For the queen, staying involved in a multitude of things, probably forebodes a long life. When not prematurely killed accidentally, women in the Royal Family have been noted for their extended reigns. Both Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth have reigned for over 50 years apiece in the last 2 centuries, quite a feat.

It also may help to take her mind off the latest scandal. During the 1990s and the early parts of the 21st century, the advent of the internet made it that much easier to magnify the numerous scandals that occurred among her children and later, their children.

How Black Cohosh Cures PMS, Hot flashes and Menopause Symptoms

Black Cohosh is a centuries long remedy for many afflictions. The medicinal extraction is taken from the roots of the North American black cohosh plant which belongs to the buttercup family. The plant has also been called by other names such as squawroot, bugbane, black snakeroot and cimicifuga. It was first used by Native Americans to help in the treatment of colds, constipation, back aches, hives, sore throats, malaria and for lactation induction. Women in the 19th century used the herb to induce bleeding, decrease labor pains and reduce fever. Recently, women experiencing the symptoms of PMS and menapause have reported finding relief after taking the herb as a supplement. Today the herb is available in capsule form, as a dried herb and as a tincture.

The herbal supplement is high in phytoestrogens. The phytoestrogens are helpful in relieving the symptoms of pms such as painful ovulation and cramping. The medicinal effect has also been useful to women suffering from menapause and is instrumental in reducing the severity and frequency of hot flashes. An Online Plant Nursery can provide you with the pure plants in organic form to boil.

Gardeners can grow their own supply of black cohosh if they wish and have a readily available supply for hot flashes or other symptoms. The plant is a perennial and can be found anywhere between Maine and Georgia. The plant reproduces by way of its rhizome which is a bulb that grows horizontally rather than vertically. The plant has rapid growth of 18 to 22 inches during the growing season. It reaches a full height of about four feet at maturity. Plants can be propagated from either seed or by splitting the rhizomes and replanting in the spring or fall. The plant thrives in a rich moist soil and prefers full to partial shade. They have three leaves with irregularly shaped leaflets and produce creamy white flowers. The seeds are ready for harvest in the fall and can be heard in their capsules if they are shaken.

For use as a herbal supplement, the rhizome should be dug up in the fall after the plant's fruit has become ripe. The roots are then cleaned, sliced lengthwise and allowed to dry. The dried herb should be stored in an airtight container. For consumption, one teaspoon of the dried root is brought to a boil with one cup of water. It should be allowed to simmer for 10 to 15 minutes and can be drank three times a day.

Garden Therapy To Reduce Stress 80%

 We all love the beauty of nature and we also love to have a beautiful yard or landscape. What if you could combine the two and enjoy both at the same time? Well this is very possible and something that more and more people are doing to enhance their properties.
As you know sometimes we have portions of our yards that we tend to have a hard time growing grass in because the shade of the trees does not promote a healthy environment for lush grass like the rest of our yards. This is a great spot for a natural area and most plants that are used in a natural area does not need the same amount of sun as the different types of grasses do. First of all decide how large you want your natural area to be and what shape you want it to have. Then once this is decided you can use plants that naturally make a great boarder or you use either man made boarders or rocks to define the edges of your natural area. Then your next choice will be what you want the floor of your natural area to look like. Some people prefer it to be natural and like it to resemble the forest floor. Others want a more manicured look and use pine needles, wood mulch, pebbles, or compost. These are all excellent options but you also have to remember that some of these options are a little costly and from time to time require maintenance on your part. 
Then comes the fun part adding new plants to enhance the beauty of your natural area. If you are starting from scratch then a great first option would be adding a few trees to the area. These add height, color and shade to the area. Try to use a variety of trees that bloom at different times and are different shapes and sizes to add texture to place. Then you will want to add other species of plants. There are tons of plants such as ferns that are evergreen and will keep the color in your natural area all year round. Then again pick all sorts of other plants so that you have different colors, and textures in your natural area. Some people   also choose plants such as butterfly bushes and other plants that attract wildlife to their property. Such plants can attract butterflies, birds, chipmunks Many people choose plants that require very little work on the part of the homeowner and grow just fine with only the help of mother nature. 

Natural areas are also a high place on your property where you can add water features such as decorative ponds that can be filled with fish and water plants such as water lilies. They also make a great place in your yard to display a bird bath and other yards art. No matter what you decide to plant or display in your natural area it will be a great addition to your landscape. 

Southern Plantation Mansions Favorite Garden Plants

Now and Then Plantation-Style Gardens
The desired home is purchased or built. It is a large manse with huge columns and center drive. Everything appears very organized. This home just begs for plantation-style landscaping and garden plants. It already bears the hallmarks of landscaping of the early 1800s: a central organizing idea to the external elements of the house. Now to orient the rest of the design to what already exists.

Not all the elements of the plantation are needed in modern times. A modern manse may have horse stables and modest pastures, but most of the rest (agricultural acreage, stock yards and pens, slave quarters) will be discarded. The gardens can consist of any of the six parts historically included: pleasure gardens, kitchen garden, orchard, park, greenhouse and menagerie. Space, degree of complexity desired, expense and amount of help (remember there were slaves on the plantation) will dictate the plan.

What begins to define plantation-style landscape is the alley of trees lining the central drive. These can be live oak, sycamore or sweet gum. Great evergreen walls of yew, cypress or cedar planted perpendicular to the drive will create a dramatic effect when well pruned. Symmetry will follow from these walls into rectangular beds that will be filled with garden plants of bright colors, often edged with boxwood. Hardscape such as brick or stone walls help to further define these beds. The result is a well-organized, intricate set of symmetrical beds fanning out from both sides of the drive, creating a pleasant view for the eye.

It is fortunate that many of the garden plants that were popular in antebellum times have remained so up to this day. Shrubs like camellia, forsythia, mock orange and sweet shrub, as well as perennials like phlox, ardisia, spiderwort and hosta are still available at local nurseries. It is quite possible to create a pleasure garden similar to one of the plantation heyday.

If the owner desires, a greenhouse can form the centerpiece of the backyard gardens, along with a kitchen and herb garden. Crabapple or ornamental pear trees can substitute for the orchard, providing shade and privacy cover. Lawn and trees are the parks. As for the menagerie, many gardeners opt for birds and butterflies gardens, using feeders and birdbaths. A modern plantation owner may feel this fits the bill.

Buy Nursery Plants Online

Friday, July 26, 2013

Add A Touch of Garden Whimsy

Planting fruit trees on a lawn will bring beauty and lots of color as well as delicious fruit to be enjoyed right off the tree. Wildflowers add value and great curb appeal to a lawn or property and they will look beautiful.
There are a lot of very beautiful fruiting trees that are available for planting.  Some of them are Bartlett Pear, Bruce Plum, Contender Peach and Cavalier Nectarine.  Planting fruit trees will guarantee that a family can enjoy fresh, delicious fruit when they began to bear fruit. This gives one peace of mind, knowing their fruit is chemical free. Having fresh fruit will also have several advantages. Growing fresh fruits allows one to save money. Having fresh fruit is very wonderful because it can be turned into some delicious tasting jellies and jams as well as pie fillings. They can be wonderful to cook with and create delicious cakes and pies and other delicious dishes. 

As one chooses fruit trees, allow for plenty of room for growth. The healthier they are the more fruit they will bring during the season that they produce that delicious fruit.  Fruit trees will also have gorgeous flowers on them that the birds and other wildlife will enjoy while they are in bloom.  They will also bring lots of beauty and color when they are in bloom, to a lawn or house. Always do research to know which fruit tree is right for your home. Fruit trees can also bring bees and other insects to an area. Plant them away from home so the bees do not interfere with children.

Buy Affordable Fruit Trees & Have Them Shipped To Your Door, Click Here

The Anatomy Of A Rose

The rose has been a popular flower all over the world throughout history and has come to symbolize everything from purity and love to friendship. Even Shakespeare was so captivated by it that he included it in Romeo and Juliet! We all know what roses are but do we know what makes them tick? Let’s take a look into the rose’s anatomy, shall we?

The rose begins life as a seed (as do most plants) that was once inside a rose hip. When it germinates, it grows roots that eventually branch out into two types: anchor roots and hair roots. Anchor roots have two functions: to hold the rose bush in the ground and to store the plant nutrients. Hair roots are thinner and their purpose is to absorb nutrients from the soil. In a fully grown rose bush, the root system is as big as the entire bush! 

From the roots, the main trunk of the bush grows above ground. These woody trunks are referred to as canes and the rose bush may have more than one trunk. The trunk’s purpose is to transport food and water up to the leaves and flowers as well as deliver photosynthesis energy down to the roots for storage. From the trunk grow the stems. These are the sections of the plant that grow the thorns for protection against pests and people! Just like the trunk, they are a transport system for the plant nutrients. 

The leaves grow from the stem and are a green to deep green color. They normally grow in groups of five and are recognizable by their serrated edge. The leaves are where the photosynthesis party takes place. They convert the sun’s rays into the plants’ energy and send it down to the roots via the stem and trunk highway. 

The flowers are the beautiful part that drives everybody wild. They come in many different colors, but their main purpose it to propagate the plant. Flowers have both male (stamens) and female (pistils) parts. Reproduction takes place through pollination within the flower. Outside forces such as wind, bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, etc. help the flower reproduce. Once there’s a successful pollination, ovary forms called a rose hip that protects the new seeds inside. When the flower dies, it drops to the floor and breaks open, spreading the seeds on the ground to germinate. 

That is the amazing anatomy of a rose.