Saturday, August 2, 2014

How To Make A Garden Pond

Making A Pond Garden Building a pond garden may seem intimidating, but you can do it with some time and effort and preparation. Follow these steps to help go in the right direction. First you will need to section off with the location and size use some kind of indicating markers. You will want the pond to be anywhere from eighteen to twenty-four inches deep for fish and plants. It can be done by yourself by digging out the area. While you are digging, make sure the pond’s edges are level using a line level or yardstick. Check this about every foot or so. You will also need to add an overflow pipe in the direction of existing drainage to prevent overflow during heavy rains. Usually a one inch PVC pipe will do the trick. Remove any rocks, roots or other things from the walls of the area to prevent punctures in your plastic liner and to add a cushion, line the walls with sand, about an inch or so. Before adding the liner, let it sit in the sun for about thirty minutes to make the material more flexible. Center it over the cleaned out area and secure the corners. Begin to fill with water, smoothing out any spots while it is filling up. You should also use a black liner to help the pond look deeper and more tranquil. It is where you will complete your stonework and planting of surrounding flowers and plants. For more information, visit a local hardware store for more information. Also, when using water plants for a pond garden they will be very easy to position into the water when using this one great trick. They can be planted into small containers and weighted down with rocks and then plants can be added to containers and placed around in the water pond or water garden. It will hold them in place and they won't float to the top. It is a great way to make sure they get nutrients from the water to help them grow and become healthy plants to make a garden pop with brilliant colors.

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