Saturday, August 2, 2014

How To Create More Garden Space

How to Create More Garden Space Often gardeners seem to run out of space before running out of ideas to plant or grow in their garden areas. When it happens, you may have a beautiful and flourishing garden but you feel like something is missing. Why not start growing more things in container gardens? It allows so much more to be planted such as herbs and other vegetables and flowers as well as give you the versatility of changing locations of the containers without having to transplant a particular flower or plant. In addition, container gardening is much more simple than people think! First you need to choose the right container. You can purchase plastic or terra cotta pots at a local nursery, or you can go hunting in your own home. Either way, the container, is the first step. Even you find something that doesn’t have holes in the bottom, you can always drill these yourselves to allow for water drainage. If you have a metal container, you will want to be careful that these do not receive afternoon sun as the metal will heat up and hurt the flowers and plants that are living in this. When you begin to plant, you will want to fill the container about halfway and set the plants in and then add more soil to cover the roots just as you would normally in a regular garden. Next water and fertilize the flowers and plants to give them a good starting. Fill the container two-thirds of the way up and then begin planting the seeds. After it, you will just need to do regular maintaining such as deadheading, fertilizing and watering to suit the weather. Use container gardens to grow more and add even more life to your home! Having a beautiful garden on the lawn or home is to provide beautiful curb appeal and will make a house stand out from among the rests in the neighborhood. It will also supply beautiful color and will add a special touch to all lawns. Gardens are also a great way to relieve stress. Something about working in a garden will take everything off of your mind for a little while. There are also all kinds of gardens and other areas that can be created around on the lawn.