Sunday, August 10, 2014

Plant Moss In Gardens For A Dramatic Carpet Like Landscape


Mosses grow naturally in most temperate areas of the world. They are primarily found growing in lightly shaded areas or where there are periods of sun in the morning or late afternoon. Some species grow well in extremely deep shade. Mosses thrive in moist, average soil. Most mosses will survive periods of drought and quickly regenerate once water becomes available again. As a group, they withstand heat and cold, grow slowly and live a long time.

What is Moss? Like ferns, mosses grow from spores. The spores develop green threadlike branches called protonema, rather than true roots. The protonema push into the ground (or in some cases, attach to a surface) and then eventually develop the tiny flat leaves. Thousands of these plants will bunch together to make a single patch of moss. The protonema serve primarily to anchor the moss to the growing surface. Mosses obtain all their nutrients from the air rather than the soil, which is why it is able to grow on rocks! Moss in the Landscape.
The Japanese have used moss in their traditional gardens for centuries, but it is only now beginning to gain popularity and acceptance in this country. True mosses, club mosses and peat mosses can be found in a wide range of rich colors, fine textures and unique appearances.

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