Monday, July 22, 2013

Creating A Japanese Flower Garden

In Japan, gardens usually have a lush backdrop of evergreen trees. The biggest challenge for a gardening enthusiast is to know which ones are Japanese and which are not. We have a wide range of authentic Japanese trees in our nursery. Using our long experience, we are able to recommend the most suitable ones. A good choice can be picked from Canadian hemlock, cedar, coastal redwood, Himalayan white pine, and Japanese white pine among others. To attain the best effect, a combination of two or three is advisable. These can be further mixed in with deciduous trees such as scarlet maple, willow, water oak, tulip tree, or maidenhair tree.

Hedges are an integral part of all Japanese gardens. Popular Japanese hedges include weigela, yew, Japanese pittosporum, flowering quince, and Japanese barberry. Most of these can be pruned and shaped in the way the Japanese are so fond of doing. People often try to make hedges out of the wrong plant species and this leads to frustrations. This is not the case with us. We only propagate the best and advise you as to the most suitable ones for your situation.

A Flower provides most of the color in a Japanese garden. Many are also aromatic and they create a sweet smelling environment when one is out there. There are many lovely and colorful bloomers in our selection. Among others we have Japanese irises, azaleas, Japanese maples, ilex crenata, and Japanese tree peonies. These form the heart of most gardens and they should be chosen well so as to artistically blend all the colors. If you want to achieve this, you will require a professional to supply you with all the required inputs. This way you will be able to know what effect to expect even before you put anything to the soil.

Finally, we provide a wide range of options for ground cover. They include moss, Japanese sweet flag, baby’s tears, Japanese ardisia, and spurge. These complete the effect after planting suitable trees and flowers. These ground covering plants ensure that the raw soil cannot be seen. They are the perfect finish to your beautiful Japanese garden. The themes to Japanese gardens can vary from dry rock to a wet pond. The choice largely depends on your environment and also your preference.

Japanese gardens usually have a wide variety of greenery. In order to recreate the result you have to get a good combination of all the available perennials, trees, shrubs, wetland plants, live stakes, live moss, wildflowers, and ferns. It is more convenient and practical to get all these from an online source that is also licensed to transport them anywhere. There is also the benefit of invaluable and detailed information about them. Fortunately, we have all these and more. 

Making a Japanese garden may sound to you like an unrealistic dream and this is mainly because you have no idea of where to get the seedlings for the best flowers and plants. There are few nurseries, if any, with enough experience to propagate Japanese flora. We on the other hand have been in the business for more than half a century. Ours is a family owned and operated company that is a pioneer in the nursery industry. We are located near McMinnville Tennessee which is known to be the World’s nursery capital. There are no middlemen involved in all our dealings. All our products are dug up fresh from the soil and shipped straight to the customer. We are the most affordable you will find anywhere and we use a reliable USPS shipping for both the US and the rest of the world. 

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