Friday, August 30, 2013

Finding the Right Conifer for your Landscape

When moving into a new home, planning your outdoor landscape is an exciting event that can be fun to plan.  Conifers are a great starting point and generally enhance the landscape of any residence.  Adding conifers to your outdoor landscape is the perfect way to freshen up an old backyard, or to add privacy to the property line of a home.  


Image 1Conifers usually prefer a climate zone between 4-6 depending on the plant.  The Red Cedar, or  Juniperus Virginiana, is perfect for adding privacy to your backyard with a width of 10 to 20 feet and growing over 30-40 feet in height.  When purchasing conifers for your landscape keep in mind what USDA climate area you reside in, the type of soil, and the amount of sunlight it will receive.


What type of conifer are you looking for in regard to the area of space you have?  With options like the Dwarf Boxwood for smaller areas, to the Spruce Pine that can grow 60-90 feet in height, it is important to take into account all aspects of the space your new conifer will call home.

In terms of decorating a property border or even a front porch, consider the Winter Gem Boxwood.  Though it is a slower growing conifer, it is a compact evergreen shrub that rarely needs pruned.

Image 1 Light Requirements

Not all conifers are the same when it comes to light requirements, as some thrive in lower light to partial shade like the Spruce Pine, while the White Pine prefers full sunlight and can often live over 400 years.

If the area of your yard has full sunlight, a Virginia Pine Tree can be a great addition to your front landscape area.  This tree can grow to 75 feet at a rate of 2-4 feet per year.  Perfect for areas with dry soil, or even clay, it prefers a climate zone of 4-8 for optimum growth.

The best approach to finding the right conifer is to pin point your climate area, space for planting, functionality of the plant and how fast you'd like it to grow.  Consult a plant nursery for a quicker solution, as many offer conifers for sale online.  Do your homework and have a few in mind going into it.  Sometimes creating a sketch of your ideal yard is a good starting point in developing the vision of your final product.

Remember, we are here to help with any gardening questions you may have.  Feel free to comment and share your thoughts with us!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

3 Trees and Wildflowers to Enhance a Landscape

One of the easiest ways to revamp a landscape is to add some color with trees and wildflowers.  However, finding the right plants for a particular climate zone without professional help can be tricky.  Fortunately, there are a number of easy to care for trees and wildflowers that can suit any climate.  We've highlighted a few that we feel would be great additions to any landscape, adding color, foliage and privacy to your backyard.

Trees to Improve Landscaping

Trees have a number of benefits as an addition to a landscape, however, many get impatient waiting for their tree to grow.  There are a number of fast growing trees that can remedy this including the Dawn Redwood, Leyland Cypress, Empress Tree, Willow and more.  Consult a plant nursery to find out the best tree for your climate and needs. 

Hybrid Willow Tree

The Hybrid Willow is a very strong and hardy tree, and perfect for any first time tree owner.

Ideal climate for this tree is a USDA climate zone of 3-9, with full to partial sunlight and wet, well drained soils.

This tree definitely adds character and class to landscapes, providing that iconic, southern-style feel to any backyard.

Image 1

Sweet Gum

Scientifically named Liquidambar Styraciflua, the Sweet Gum Tree can grow to 75 feet with a canopy spread of 40-50 feet.  This tree looks great in front yards, and provides a vibrant color display every fall when shedding leaves. 

Red Japanese Maple

One of the easiest trees to care for, the Japanese Maple is a great tree for any first time landscape gardener.
If you are anxious to see your tree blossom, try to order a 4-5 foot Japanese Maple to cut down on grow time.

When selecting the right trees for a landscape be sure to consult an accredited plant nursery specializing in trees to be sure you have the right soil and climate for the tree of your choice.


Adding wild flowers around your new tree can brighten your yard and add color to any landscape.  Wildflowers are very important, as they help maintain a healthy eco-system.  They attract beneficial insects into the garden that feed on the wildflowers and make their home in them.  We've narrowed down a few wildflowers that would really compliment a landscape.

Image 1Bearded Iris

Image 1The Bearded Iris is a beautiful addition to any garden.  Thriving in high sunlight, this wildflower is best planted late in summer using a low-nitrogen fertilizer.  Make sure they are planted about 16 or so inches apart, and divide them every 3-4 years as needed.

Sweet William

The Sweet William Flower multiplies quickly and provides excellent ground cover.  They are best planted in the spring or fall, and thrive in partial sunlight.  Keep deer from eating your Tulips with this flower in your yard, as deer tend to avoid the Sweet William due to its fragrant aroma.

Image 1

Black Eye Susan

Black Eyed Susans are beautiful cone flowers that can give a country-medow feel to any outdoor landscape.  Plant this flower in sun to partial sunlight as a border or flower bed around your trees.
Blooming in mid summer and into fall, this Annual/Perennial can provide beautiful splashes of yellow and orange to your garden or flowerbed.

No matter what your landscaping goals may be, it always helps to consult a nursery before tackling any project in your backyard.  Fortunately, there are many reputable businesses that can aid in your journey to landscaping success!  
Do your research on trees and wildflowers before you purchase anything.  It is best to make sure that your climate is suitable for the plants you choose for your landscape.

What are your favorite trees and wildflowers to use for landscaping?  Share your thoughts below by commenting~ Best comments and questions will be featured in our next blog.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Backyard Landscaping Ideas- Try Using Vines

Adding vines to your garden or out door sitting area goes a long way with minimal maintenance when decorating an outside space.  Most vines thrive in a USDA climate zone between 4-8, with plants like the Strawberry Vine on the higher end, preferring a climate zone of 8-11.

Here are a few ways vines can be a beneficial addition to your backyard landscaping project:

Add Some Color

Image 1Fences and gazebos can look bare standing alone, so why not spruce them up with Humming Bird Vines to attract wild life as you enjoy your outside sitting area.  Purchasing vines for your backyard landscape does require a bit of research, so be sure to check your soil type and climate zone before planting.

Easy to Care for

Not much goes in to caring for vines except basic watering and sometimes pruning.  When growing vines such as the Honeysuckle Vine, expect to see rapid growth in a climate zone of 4-9, and even during winter months.

When working with longer vines it is necessary to 'train' them as they get bigger.  Adding some gardening wire to give them something to attach to is an efficient way to gain foliage and color to any outdoor structure.

Added Ground Cover

If your backyard landscaping project entails covering large, bare areas such as a hill side, there are many affordable vines that provide large ground cover.  Snow on the Mountain provides great ground cover with its leaf span and thrives where grass is normally difficult to grow.

Vines will add color and style to your outdoor leisure area without breaking your budget.  Beautiful and low maintenance, they are a great way to spruce up an existing backyard garden.

If you are looking for backyard landscaping ideas involving vines, try contacting a reputable nursery specializing in vines to find the right plant for your climate area.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How to Plant a Garden

Planting, a successful garden, can be a very rewarding experience. Whether you are trying to grow plants, flowers or vegetables, purchasing seeds is the first step. Secondly, you would have to find a place in your yard that has constant sunshine at least six hours out of the day. There are also varieties of plants and flowers that will flourish in total shade.

Having soil that is rich in nutrients is very essential because it is much more than ordinary dirt. Soil can be tested in a number of ways, but the easiest and least expensive way is to buy a soil test kit at a local garden store. Preparing the soil is done by digging and mixing it up to about two feet down. On the back of the seed package, there should be instructions on how to plant them.

Watering the garden properly is a very important for its overall health. An over or under amount of water can be harmful so give it a thorough soaking during the morning hours every few days. Fertilizers that include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be very beneficial to help the garden grow well. Following these procedures should allow you to enjoy your garden for years to come.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Best Garden Tools For Ease and Efficiency

In order to get any gardening job done easily and efficiently, you have to surround yourself with the best garden tools. Consider investing in these eight garden tools to help make gardening a pleasure rather than a chore.Garden Plants are a joy to grow

1. Sturdy work gloves: Wearing these protect your hands from sharp thorns, chemical agents and poison ivy.

2. Round Point Shovel: Tempered steel is best, featuring a metal, wood or fiberglass handle that has a comfortable grip.

3. Hand Pruner: This device makes it easy to clear away dead branches and other foliage from bushes, shrubs and trees.

4. Utility bucket with handle: Choose a plastic one for easy clean-up and one that carries at least 5 gallons for a quick and easy way to carry everything from water to fertilizer.

5. Hand Trowel: Great not only for digging small holes but also for blending plant food and fertilizer into the soil.

6. Rake: A medium size rake is perfect for gathering up fallen leaves and grass clippings as well as evening out bedding.

7. Watering Can: Most watering chores can be accomplished using a 2-gallon metal or plastic version.

8. Hose: Invest in one with at least a 50-foot range that also features a spray attachment.

Easy Gardening

The most important "secret" for easy gardening is gaining invaluable information at your county agricultural center. Make a visit there a priority before you even start to plan your garden and grow huge garden plants .

The helpful staff can not only tell you what native plants would be recommended to make your gardening more successful, but they can also guide you as to the type of garden you should attempt if you are new at this project. They will advise on what soil and mulch you should use as well as what fertilizer, whether to plant what you choose in sunlight or shade, how much watering is needed plus a wide variety of other suggestions that will help you on your way to a desired outcome.

Once you have your garden planted, here are some interesting easy gardening ideas for the used coffee grinds and tea bags from your breakfast:
(1) Coffee grounds make for healthier plants such as roses and camellias.
(2) Coffee grounds help reduce garden pests.
(3) Tea bags can be buried whole or cut open and sprinkled onto the soil.
(4) Place tea bags intact on potted plants underneath the soil. This retains moisture and gives the plants energy.   

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

For the love of Fennel! Inspired water kefir recipes

It’s August. Fennel isn’t really in season yet. But that doesn’t stop those of us who have grown addicted to the lovely, light aromatic scent from purchasing in bulk and coming up with new ways to use it-not only because it’s delicious, but because of the numerous health benefits. 

Fennel is full of anitioxidants and aids in digestion. Pair this with probiotics and what to you have? A wonderful immune boosting water kefir. If you are seeking a somewhat savory water kefir that is grounded, earthy, and rich, try fennel! 

Choose fresh fennel

Fresh fennel is important. The bulb (root) should not be diseased, damaged, or bruised. The stalk should be firm, and the leaves hydrated (not wilted.) Fresh fennel will have:

*White and/or light green bulbs
*No flowers on the leaves (flower indicate that the plant has come to maturity)
*A fragrant scent, similar to anise or licorice 

Fennel Prep 

Trim off stems and use the bulb. Clean it thoroughly, and chop around 1/8 of a cup or so. Raw fennel is strong, especially if you prefer fizzy water kefir and allow it to sit for over 24 hours. It really doesn’t take much! 

Flavor Boosters 

Look for additions that will compliment the licorice type flavor. Ginger is a wonderful choice. Again, a little goes a long way. Fresh ginger should have smooth skin, and not appear wilted or dried out. Once it’s clean, ginger can be sliced and added to the kefir. A few others “earthy” ingredients include: 
  • Raisins (use if you want slightly sweeter water kefir)

  • Nutmeg (Not just for baked goods! Use a tsp. per quart) 

  • Lemon (Just a small slice. Gentle citrus flavors compliment fennel well.)

  • Vanilla extract (Subtle hints of vanilla are tasteful in any water kefir recipe.)

  • Cloves (Use around 4-5 whole cloves per quart.)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Affordable Gardening

Gardening On A Dime
It's really not necessary to spend large sums of money on your garden, in order to get the beautiful results that you so clearly desire. Whether it be a visit to the plant nursery or even order from an online nursery, there are certain things to look for when shopping for the gardening necessities - without having to break the bank in doing so. The ultimate goal is to accomplish this without forfeiting any of the potential luster that a garden would have when a lot of money is invested.

For one, you do not need to spend a lot of money on gardening books. Information on proper gardening can easily found either online or at your local library. You can also get plenty of tips by joining a horticultural club in your area. This can help by not only being more green on the environment in going paperless, but also it saves on space and spending.

As far as investing money in mulch and compost at the store, you could easily make it yourself, at home. Instead of throwing away leaves in the fall, try crunching them up in a designated pile within your yard. Plenty of other things can be used that are usually thrown away, which can all be found around the house. For many, these things are actually used daily and just tossed out right afterward. Try adding coffee grounds, eggshells, grass clippings, fruits, and veggies to the mulch mix. These are all degradable and can be converted into something wonderful and healthy for any yard. Even some types of paper clippings are appropriate to use. Instead of going to your local plant nursery or shopping in an online nursery, just try to spend a little extra time adding to the mulch pile. Plenty can be made for a lot less money.

Recycling in the garden is a common practice. Instead of buying new pots and whatnot for a place to put your plants, try looking around in your garage and attic for spare objects that would otherwise go unused. Some nice, affordable plants can be added to your homemade mulch, and added to fill in the center of the tire that is being used as a makeshift planting pot. Crates, barrels, and washing basins, can all be turned into a unique type of container for plants and flowers.

Besides adding a bit of quirkiness to the yard, without having to spend exorbitant amounts on decorations, there is also the question of where to get your hands on affordable plants. These can be found in most any supermarket, but the best way to get beautiful plants for less money is by either networking with other gardeners or saving seeds from one year plants and flowers, in order to use in the next year. Saving bulbs or acquiring seeds from friends, can make all the difference. It also adds a personal touch to your living space, since it won't be just any plant that you found at the store.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Gin: A Garden in a Glass

Of all the florid and botanical alcoholic drinks that come to mind, none comes quicker to me than that of the gin so commonly commingled with tonic water for your classic G&T. Although the majority of gin recipes have closely guarded secret ingredients, there is still a small amount of legal representation required to sell it. Gin MUST contain juniper berries (taken from Cupressaceae juniperus L.), anything beyond that is up to the individual maker (though coriander seeds [Coriandrum sativum L.] are present in roughly nine of every ten varieties of gin).

Beyond juniper berries, and likely the coriander seeds, there are a few botanical ingredients which are still quite common in the distillation of gin.
  • Angelica root (Angelica archangelica L., also known as Holy Ghost or Wild Celery, has been utilized as a flavoring agent in Scandinavian food and drink for over a thousand years. It also possesses a wonderful aroma, which can remind a person of musk or juniper, depending on the individual.
  • Orris root (Iris germanica L., Iris florentina L., and Iris pallida L.) is a very fragrant component of gin, a trait which also allows it to function as a base scent for many varieties of perfume and potpourri.
  • Sweet orange peel (Citrus sinensus L.). Though this can be modified greatly; there are over fifty different cultivars and other permutations of the basic sweet orange, including mandarin, bergamot, trifoliate, Valencia, and Hamlin.
  • Powdered licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra L. adds its inherent sweetness, a longer lasting flavor considered thirty to fifty times sweeter than regular sugar.

While the above list is the lion's share of most gin recipes, more than one enterprising individual has looked to the more interesting elements that can be found within the garden or orchard. Below is just a sample of some less common, yet no less enjoyable ingredients in gin recipes:

You can also find full strength plants to use at some online nurseries
  • Cinnamon or Cassia. The flavor that most Americans know as "cinnamon" is actually a substitute, cassia (Cinnamomum medium L.). Actual cinnamon flavor is a much stronger, full-bodied flavor; anyone seeking to add authentic "cinnamon" to his brew should try Cinnamomum verum ("true cinnamon") first.
  • Cloves
  • Fennel
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Herbs

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Best Vines to Stop Erosion

How vegetation can help to stop soil erosion:

Vines are useful in preventing or stopping land erosion. They are good for this purpose for many reasons. Below the surface, their roots grow together and assist in binding the soil, making it more difficult for forces that cause erosion, such a wind or rain, to break the soil apart. Above the surface, the tendrils grow together, with other plants and objects to form an interwoven mat of vegetation that protects the soil, buffering it from direct impact with rain or wind.

Although many plants will also help to stop erosion, the vine offers some advantages that other plants lack. Primarily vines are good at protecting slopes because they grow both vertically and horizontally. Furthermore, most species are invasive; they will grow until they completely fill the area. This makes them useful in large scale projects.

Things to consider:

Take precautions when planting near gardens, trees or buildings as some species have been known to damage structures and overwhelm other flora. Before purchasing a vine, it is best to consult a local or Online Nursery as some species are prohibited in certain states.

English Ivy will grow on slopes, gardens, trees and buildings and can reach a height of ninety feet. It is a flowering vine producing greenish yellow flowers from late summer to late autumn. Be aware the berries of the English Ivy are poisonous to humans.

The Vinca Minor, or dwarf Periwinckle will grow to cover the ground, but only climbs vertically to height of sixteen inches. The Vinca Minor produces light purple flowers from early spring to midsummer. This is a hardy, disease resistant, and pesticide resistant vine.

Finding The Right Type Vine:

Many local nurseries have vines for sale that are both adapted for your region and not restricted by state laws due to their invasiveness. An Online Nursery will often have large selections of vines for sale. Keep in mind that not every variety of vine may be available at all times of the year. Furthermore there may be state restriction as to which species may be imported. For details and information, I find that a local nursery can help in making your decision concerning which vine would be best for you.

Vines For Sale

Conifers Are Excellent For Winds, Noise and Privacy

Conifers are easy to grow and maintain. They are great for a wind break or for a natural privacy fence. Not only do they serve this function, they add interest and color to any landscape. There are many varieties of evergreen conifers. They come in many different shapes and sizes to compliment your landscape. They can be planted as a single planting, or in a group for more dramatic effects. Conifers are naturally found in the wilderness, but are easily domesticated. Their evergreen color last all seasons. Confiers for sale can be found in an online nursery, or locally.

There are many varieties of evergreen conifers. Pine trees, cedar trees and fir trees are among the most popular. They all bear pine cone seeding and needles instead of leaves. Their needles are shed often and grow many more to replace the lost ones. Unlike trees that have leaves, conifers do not go dormant in the winter months. They stay alive and green all year long.

There is one difference between conifers and evergreens. Conifers produce pine cones that contain seeds to grow new trees. The seeds remain in the cone until they can be pollinated. Evergreens produce seeds that are planted by the wind and animals.

Cypress is a type of conifer. There are over 130 varieties of cypress available to plant. When thinking of cypress, the three most common varieties comes to mind are the Bald Cypress, Arizona Cypress and the Leyland Cypress trees. With so many varieties available, there is sure to be one that will fit your landscaping project.

Privet shrubs are a tough evergreen variety. They can be pruned a little, or a lot and not suffer ill effects from the cutting. They are easy to shape into what will look best in your landscape. I shrubs are in your landscape plan, evergreen privet shrubs are a great choice.

For privacy or blocking wind and noise, the Leyland Cypress is a popular choice. These evergreens grow fast and can get up to seventy feet tall. Their base will get about twenty feet wide. They grow great in all soil types. They grow in a dense pyramid shape, ideal for wind blockage and privacy. The Leyland Cypress trees grow best in a cooler climate and do not adapt well to warm climates.

Creating a landscape that will serve as a wind block or a privacy fence, evergreens are a superb choice. They are available in many varieties that will grow slow or quick, large or small depending on your landscaping needs. When looking for pine trees or confiers for sale, an online nursery will have many varieties to choose from.

Landscape Without Spending A Fortune

Don't Allow Landscapers To Rob You Blind, Here Is Some Do It Yourself Tips

Landscaping without spending a fortune is simple if you understand the process. It is relatively simple and offers great results. Landscaping plants, affordable trees are available at your local plant nursery where a nursery grower is able to offer some guidance as you proceed. Planning is important and so is homework. Here is a guide.


After you design your blueprint for the landscaping you can begin at your local nursery. There you can get the plants and trees that are needed. Ask your gardener there about getting a good deal on wholesale trees. This can help you save money on your landscaping cost. There you can ask about the type of landscaping plants that work well for your area and design ideas.


1. One tip that most people don't know about is the type of plants and trees that do well where you live. Your local landscaping yard or nursery sells the type of plants that you need. Very few sell plants that will easily die where you live. Otherwise, look at the information that comes with each plant or tree. They are labeled for your needs and show care instructions as well.
2. You can get seasonal deals on all plants and trees.
3. Sales are great too when you buy in bulk.
4. Look at other places for deals. There are places to buy your needs at more places than nurseries. Affordable trees can be found from individual growers. The same thing applies to plant nursery deals.
5. Obviously since there are individuals that sell, you can find great deals through a nursery grower in your own neighborhood. Wholesale trees can even be found Online.

Design and Work

Many of these locations offer guidance on workers that can help you get your design dreams accomplished. If you have the basic blueprints, then you can get it done easily. Some people might need to find a landscaper at a good price. Ask around and you will be amazed at how much money you can save.

Final Thoughts

Have fun with your project. Most people enjoy landscaping and design. Creating your own space is part of home ownership. It is creative and shows who you are in your neighborhood. You might even win an award from your neighborhood home owners association. Either way, you will feel great knowing that you made it happen and it didn't have to cost you a fortune.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

How moonshine was made in the 1900s

Crops Helped Make Pure Whiskey For Old Moon Shiners

In the early 1900s moon shine was a popular drink. One of the more popular moonshines was whiskey, because of its strong taste. Making moon shine was a long process that one needs a lot of patience to perform, but once done many found the final product to be very rewarding.
Ingredients needed:

Malted barley- a cereal grain that have been dried and processed over water at 64 degrees which needs to be stir constantly until a white leaf grows inside grain total process can take up to five days
Cracked corn
Distilled yeast
Moonshine steel

The amount of time for each process varies depending on how much moonshine is being made. To start off Cracked corn gets boiled for several hours. The boiling process should take place until it becomes a cream. One this process is complete malted barley is added to the mixture. The combination of barely with the cream corn is call mash tun. Mash tun has to be heated to 45 degrees and has to maintain this heat. It is important that additional water is added at this point of the process, because lots of water was lost during the boiling process. The mash tun must stay at desired heat, because the enzymes in the grains are breaking down the starches in the grains. The starches are being slowly turned into fermentable sugars also known as the wort. Once the starch is gone the grains are separated from the wort also known as loitering, Wort was then transferred to the sterile fermenter.

Wort must be allowed time to cool off to 28 degrees before being able to proceed with the next step. When wort was cooled to accurate temperature distilled yeast was added to the mixture. Yeast could easily get bacteria so upon mixture the fermenter is sealed and fermentation began. Fermentation was a process that could take several weeks to complete. Fermentation was complete when carbon dioxide bubbles no longer existed, and where not coming through airlocks on the fermenter. The moonshine also needed to have the same temperature for 2 days before starting the next process. Once fermentation is complete the wort is than place on the moonshine steel and ran through two maybe three times collecting everything with exception of the oils that start to produce right towards the end. After the final process you have whiskey moonshine, and it should be cooled to around 88 degrees.

So we can all see that while moonshine was very popular liquor in the 1900s it was not an easy process. It required not only skills, but accuracy as well. So if you want a good bottle of moonshine one should be prepared to wait for it.


Top Choices In Berry Plants For Fruit Production

When it comes to berry plants, you want to know the highest yielding plants for the most fruit production. When it comes to berry plants, you have a few that yield a high production of fruit. What this will mean for you is less time spent on things that do not matter. These berries include:

  • Blue Berry
  • Raspberry
  • Blackberry

Everything You Need To Know About The Blue Berry

The blueberry plant is probably the easiest to grow. It will grow the best in a pH soil of between 4.5 and 5.5. These plants love to be in acidic soil. If the pH is too high, then it will turn yellow and die. You want to plant this plant during fall, early winter or early spring. These plants are hardy, so there is no need to protect them. You can buy berry plants at an online nursery. It is convenient.

Learning About The Raspberry Plant

With the raspberry plant, you need to avoid heavy clay soil. This is one soil that this plant does not grow well in. You also need good soil aeration because root rot occurs frequently with these plants. The fruits of this plants are high in vitamin A and C. Between eight and six ours of sunshine per day is typically the best for the best results. Also, do not plant this plant within 300 feet of a blackberry bush. The reason is because this plant is subject to the same fungus that can occur with the other. You also should not plant in ground that has been grown with tomatoes or potatoes in the last year due to 
the fungus.

Getting Information About The Blackberry

This is a plant that is sometimes called brambles. In the first year, you will not see any fruit. These plants do their best in sunshine conditions; however, be careful because they have many prickles. They are easy to grow and the yield is always good. You should grow these plants about three to four feet apart.

All these berries can be frozen for usage later. You can buy berry plants at an online nursery. This is a good choice because you will have more options with what you want. These berry plants are a good choice because they give a good crop yield. Also, they are simple to grow, so you do not need to be too knowledgeable to grow them well. 

Large Trees Provides An Instant Landscape

Large trees can provide the perfect amount of shade for a yard. They are highly desirable for landscapes, as they are versatile. From hanging a tire swing to allow kids an area to climb, trees have long been part of the American history. Buying trees from an online nursery make the entire process much easier. If course you probably don't know what trees will work best in your zone and what flowering trees are an option. Buying large trees online makes sense because you can do some research before making a final purchase. 

It is important to pick the right tree for your yard. If you want plenty of shade, oak trees have long been one that has been selected. These trees can survive in most conditions and can get as tall as 125 feet. Oak trees live a long time and are well been a symbol of strength. While the oak may not be for everyone, maple trees are just as popular. Those who are wanting to become more self-sufficient loves putting old fashioned taps and pulling pure sap from these amazing giants. While maple trees may not be fast growing, there are some things that are just worth the wait. 

Before you buy large trees, you should do some research on what would work best for your zone. Take for instance balled trees. These trees are often called burlap trees because their are massive roots that come wrapped in burlap. These trees are maintenance free and are perfect to buy from an online nursery. This variety needs plenty of sunshine, so a shaded area would not be best for balled trees. 

When looking to buy large trees of the flowering variety, some love the dogwood. Unlike the oak, these fast growing trees not only look amazing but smell just as nice. With many color selections, the dogwood is one tree that many people select for their landscape. While they only bloom in spring, they have a nice look year round. 

Other fast growing trees, like the magnolia, are often a staple in the southern states. Flowering trees are commonly known to bloom only in the spring months, but there are a few exceptions. Buying trees online allows you to research the species before making a decision. There is someone always available to help and no lines to wait in. Your products can be shipped right to your door and you won't have to worry about a messy transport. Buying online just makes sense!