Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bonsai Care tips

Bonsai trees are wonderful plants you could add to your indoors.  It is long lasting, and each one will have its unique shape and style.  Here are some tips on caring for this plant inside your home to make sure it grows and develops properly. Before just placing it, any old place ponders on where you want to put it. These trees need lots of sunlight, so placing near a window will be the best choice. They do not grow well in sun all day long as too much is a bad thing for these indoor wonders.  Temperature is also something to consider.  They should not be placed near things such as televisions or heaters and love cooler temperatures.  Place where there is cooler air as heat will dry the plant out quickly, and it will not survive.  Humidity is also a factor.  These trees love moisture!

Some experts even recommend placing them in your kitchens or bathrooms due to the level of moisture in the air in these rooms.  They also believe that keeping the plant on a drip tray will allow for prolonged evaporation that will be better overall for the tree.  Misting the tree is also a great way to increase moisture levels.  Even though you want this to be an indoor plant, you will also want to think about letting it get some outdoor love as it will benefit drastically from the warm summer months and the contact with nature.  Many ask a lot about how water this kind of tree.  Since they are kept in pots to control the root system, they will require extra watering.   If the climate is warmer, the bonsai will also need additional water to thrive. Check the plant by touching the top of the soil in the pot.  If it feels dry, water needs to be added.  Bonsai trees are beautiful, low maintenance and will make an impact on any home.

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