Wednesday, July 30, 2014

10 Of The World's Most Interesting Flowers

Most interesting flower facts #1 – Tulips Most interesting flowers #1 Tulips Tulips once sold costlier than gold In Russia, red tulips were used to declare romantic love, where blackish center of red tulip symbolized coal-burnt heart of the lover in the passion of love. Tulip bulbs were sold costlier than gold in 1600′s in Holland. In 1630′s a kind of frenzy for tulips occurred in Western Europe named “Tulip mania” and tulips became so expensive as to be treated as a form of currency. Tulip bulbs can be used in place of onions in many recipes. Tulips lifespan is very short, being 3 to 7 days. Tulips symbolizing imagination, have earned a reputation for declaration of love. Tulips can grow at a rate of 1 inch per day even after being cut. Most interesting flower facts #2 – Lotus Most interesting flowers #2 Lotus Lotus grows in marsh and damp wetlands A sacred flower and symbol of resurrection in Egypt, this flower which grows in marsh and damp wetlands, has a property to stay dormant in times of drought and to blossom again when water returns. Given favorable conditions, lotus seeds can stay viable for long periods, even extending to several years. Oldest recorded germination was seen in a dry lake bed in north eastern China, from seeds that were 1300 yrs old. Stamens of lotus are dried to produce fragrant teas while lotus seeds or nuts can be eaten either raw or popped like popcorn. Lotus seed paste is used in many pastry, cake and pudding recipes. Fabric made from fibers of lotus plant is used in Myanmar for making robes of Buddha. According to old legend, lotus flowers bloomed everywhere that lord Buddha walked. In Asian traditions, lotus is seen as a divine symbol of sexual purity and non attachment. Also symbolizing elegance and beauty, lotus is used in poetry and songs, allegorically for ideal female attributes. Most interesting flower facts #3 – Dandelions Most interesting flowers #3 Dandelions Dandelion means lions tooth Flowers and leaves of dandelion are rich source of vitamin A and C, calcium, iron and potassium. One cup of dandelion tea can provide 7,000-13,000 I.U. of vitamin A. The English name of dandelion is derived from the French dent de lion which means “lions tooth” due to it coarsely toothed leaves. Its flower petals are used in making dandelion wine while its roasted roots are used as a caffeine free dandelion coffee. Most interesting flower facts #4 – Sunflower Most interesting flowers #4 Sunflower Sunflowers tend to turn towards the sun Sunflowers are also known as Helianthus (Helia: Sun Anthus: Flower) in scientific terms. Sunflower was used as a symbol of Spiritual Church due to its property of turning towards sun as “spiritualism turns toward the light of truth”. Its property of move towards sun is called “heliotropism”. Sunflowers can be used to remove or extract toxic elements from soil like arsenic, lead and uranium. After Chernobyl disaster, they were use to remove cesium-137 and strontium-90 from a nearby pond. Sunflower oil is widely used for cooking while its seeds are used as snack. Most interesting flower facts #5 – Daisies Most interesting flowers #5 Daisies Daisies or the Day’s eyes Daisies symbolize innocence. Daisy is a ‘two in one’ flower i.e. white petals peripherally and tiny yellow disc petals that form the eye. Its medicinal properties include relieving indigestion, easing of cough, slowing the bleeding and easing back pain. Daisies can become serious weed if not controlled as they thrive in very rough conditions and are resistant to many bugs and pesticides. Some daisies open their petals in day’s sun time but close them in evening when sun sets giving them the name “day’s eyes”. Most interesting flower facts #6 – Daffodils Most interesting flowers #6 Daffodils Daffodils aka Narcissus Daffodils are believed to have earned their name from the word asphodel (genus of perennial plants native to western, southern and central Europe) and the Dutch article “de affodil”. Another widely known name for them is Narcissus. All species of Narcissus have the alkaloid poison named lycorine in bulbs and also in the leaves. Daffodil bulbs can be confused with onion while cooking and may lead to poisoning. Daffodils are cultivated for commercial use for making galantamine, a drug for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. In west, Daffodils symbolize vanity while in the East, they are a symbol of wealth and good fortune. It is national flower of Wales. Most interesting flower facts #7 – Roses Most interesting flowers #7 Roses Roses are symbols of love and beauty Roses, often associated with Virgin Mary, are symbol of love and beauty. Red roses are widely used on Valentines Day to express love. Rose hips (the berry-like fruit structure of rose) of some species of rose are amongst the richest source of Vitamin C. They are used to make jams, jellies and also brewed for tea. Two thousand flowers of rose are needed to produce one gram of rose oil. In Chinese herbal medicine, some species of rose are used to treat stomach problems. A red rose held in hand is a symbol of socialism or social democracy. Most interesting flower facts 8# – Lilly Most interesting flowers #8 Lily Lilly means true white Lilies derived their name from Greek root ‘lirion’ meaning “true, white”. One of the most famous lilies is Madonna lily which is always white with yellow stamens. It is one of the oldest lilies dating 3000 yrs back. Roman Catholic Church dedicated it to Mother Mary. Madonna lily can stand adverse conditions against pests, diseases and frost. Madonna lily was used in 17th century for treatment of snake bites and sore muscles. Its leaves and flowers used to make useful liniments to heal wounds and bruises. Day lily is an edible variety which should be eaten in moderation or else it can act as a diuretic or laxative. Accidental eating of day lilies can cause renal toxicity and death in cats. Arum lily contains large amounts of calcium oxalate poison which is extremely poisonous on ingestion, even to humans. Most interesting flower facts #9 – Dahlia Most interesting flowers #9 Dahlia The Valley Flower – Dahlia Dahlia is a daisy like flower and is related to both daisy and sunflower. It is the national flower of Mexico. Dahlia is believed to get its name from an 18th century Swedish Botanist, Anders Dahl. “Dahl” sounds very much like ‘dal’ in Swedish meaning ‘valley’. Thus it is also called ‘valley flower’ sometimes. Dahlias serve decorative purposes in cakes, tarts, pastries, salads and in garnishing of deserts. Dahlias with large flowers usually have only 4-5 flowers per plant. Dahlias come in a variety of colors and many hybrids create many beautiful colors. They are very susceptible to viral and bacterial infections. Most interesting flower facts #10 - Carnations Carnations’ scientific name ‘Dianthus caryophyllus’ means ‘flower of the Gods’. Some people believe that the name comes from ‘corone’ meaning ‘floral garland’. It is the national flower of Spain. They come in all natural colors ranging from white to red. Carnations are many times related to feelings. Red carnation symbolize deep love, white represents pure love while yellow represents dejection. It is said that carnations first grew from Mother Mary’s tears seeing Jesus carrying the cross to cavalry. In France and francophone cultures, carnations stand for bad luck and misfortune. In Korea, to tell the fortune of a young girl, 3 carnations are put on her hair. If the bottom one dies first, she will have a hard life. If the middle one dies first, she will have hard times in youth but life will improve later. If the top one dies first, she will have a tough life only in the end. Here is a large variety of different flowers to choose from, click here

25 Fun Facts About Flowers

1. Roses are related to apples, raspberries, cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, pears and almonds. 2. Tulip bulbs were more valuable than gold in Holland in the 1600s. 3. Ancient civilizations burned aster leaves to ward off evil spirits. 4. Tulip bulbs can be substituted for onions in a recipe. 5. Chrysanthemums are associated with funerals in Malta and are considered unlucky. 6. The very expensive spice, saffron, comes from a type of crocus flower. 7. The largest flower in the world is the titan arums, which produce flowers 10 feet high and 3 feet wide. The flowers smell of decaying flesh and are also known as corpse flowers, as pictured at the top of this post. Creative Commons Flickr photo courtesy of un_cola. 8. Almost 60 percent of fresh-cut flowers grown in the U.S. come from California. 9. Hundreds of years ago, when Vikings invaded Scotland, they were slowed by patches of wild thistle, allowing the Scots time to escape. Because of this, the wild thistle was named Scotland’s national flower. 10. The lotus was considered a sacred flower by ancient Egyptians and was used in burial rituals. This flower blooms in rivers and damp wetlands, but may lie dormant for years during times of drought, only to rise again with the return of water. Egyptians viewed it as a symbol of resurrection and eternal life. 11. Scientists discovered the world’s oldest flower in 2002, in northeast China. The flower, named Archaefructus sinensis, bloomed around 125 million years ago and resembles a water lily. 12. The juice from bluebell flowers was used historically to make glue. 13. Foxglove is an old English name, derived from the belief that foxes slipped their feet into the leaves of the plant to sneak up on prey. 14. Dandelions might seem like weeds, but the flowers and leaves are a good source of vitamins A and C, iron, calcium and potassium. One cup of dandelion greens provides 7,000-13,000 I.U. of vitamin A. 15. The flower buds of the marsh marigold are pickled as a substitute for capers. 16. Sunflowers move throughout the day in response to the movement of the sun from east to west. 17. Moon flowers bloom only at night, closing during the day. 18. Flowering nicotiana is related to tobacco, from which cigarettes are made. 19. Gas plants produce a clear gas on humid, warm nights. This gas is said to be ignitable with a lit match. 20. When Mormon pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley, they subsisted on the roots of the Sego Lily Plant. This plant is the state flower of Utah. 21. The cornstarch-like powder known as arrowroot is derived from the plant, Marantha arundinacea, and is native to India. It was used by indigenous people to draw out the toxins from a poisoned arrow wound. Today, it is used to thicken pies and jellies. 22. Angelica was used in Europe for hundreds of years as a cure for everything from the bubonic plague to indigestion. It was thought to ward off evil spirits. 23. Blue cohosh, also known as squaw root or papoose root, was used by Native American women to ensure an easy labor and childbirth. 24. During the Middle Ages, lady’s mantle was thought to have magic healing properties. 25. When Achilles was born, his mother dipped him head first in a bath of yarrow tea, believing it had protective qualities. Yarrow is still known for healing and was used during World War I to heal soldiers’ wounds. The next time you walk through a flower garden, take a minute to consider the individual plants growing there. One of them may hold the secret for curing a dreaded disease. Another may have a long, illustrious history. Every flower has qualities and attributes worth admiring. Check out lots of different species of flowers here

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Fast Money

Do you want to start your on business but don't have a clue how to? Do you not have the money or resources to start a business? Well, let me share with you how to make a ton of money online and it only costs you whatever the cost to list a single item on ebay ($1, $2)....

There are folks re-selling our plants on Amazon, Ebay and On Their On Person Websites right now.

One lady makes over 50k per year to enhance her income. She worked a 9-5 job yet she can't make ends meet: She started looking online at reputable online nurseries selling small bare root bulbs and plants. She found us at Garden Delights Nursery.

She took our descriptions and pictures, listed them on ebay. She started out listing a couple fern plants and a couple perennial bulbs. She sold over 120 ferns the first day! She paid her electric bill within 20 minutes after listing our plants online.

We sell plants affordable and are the wholesale grower source. Anyone that knows how to list products on Ebay can resell our products. It doesn't take a brain surgeon. Simply go online to Garden Delights Nursery, choose a couple products to sell - Top sellers that doesn't cost a lot to ship are, perennials, moss, ferns and ground covers.

Use our pictures and information and list your products for double of what we charge. Charge 15% shipping (that's what it costs us to ship to anywhere in the us). When you get a sale, simply go to our website and place the order. You can put your name and address and billing (and you can pay us via paypal also) and put your customer's shipping address also in our checkout and we will do all the work for you. All plants will ship out within 3-5 days UPS.

You sit back and list our plants and make money. When your receive an order, simply place your order online at our website at Garden Delights Nursery and put your customers name and address in the checkout and WHA LA- It's as easy as that.Make as little or as much as you want to reselling our products online.

Buy Some Love Today

Flowers is a happy thing to plant, to own and to enjoy. Nothing on earth satisfies you like the enjoyment of watching those tiny fragile plants turn into masterpieces when they bloom. So don't tell me you can't buy love, give the gift a flowers and see for yourself!

Shop Garden Delights Nursery For Flowers of Joy, Peach & Love

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Affordable Plants For Sale

Buy Super affordable plants at Garden Delights Nursery


1. Exceptional Prices

2. Best Selection

3. Grade A State Certified Plants

4. Fast Shipping

5. Best Customer Service

Friday, July 25, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Ticks In Your Lawn

We have the remedy! Guinea Fowl :: Interesting, Protective, Useful About guinea fowl Guinea-in-Flight- Aninteresting and high-value addition to your farm or acreage, guinea fowl: have great personalities. will act as the farm yard watch dog, sounding the alarm whenever anything unusual occurs. will consume large amounts of insects. will seldom bother your garden or flowers. are easy and inexpensive to raise. fend for themselves, living on insects, seeds, and grasses. control deer ticks, wood ticks, grasshoppers, box-elder bugs, flies, crickets, fire ants and all other insects. and their call will discourage rodents. will kill snakes. will alert you to anything unusual.

Give The Gift Of Love, Perennials Buy Perennials, Click Here

Plant Moss For The Love Of It

Buy Moss Online, Click Here

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Plants Added To Drinks- The Drunken Botanist, A New York Times Best Seller

My Tequila Valentine So here’s what you’re gonna do: 1.5 oz good tequila, mezcal, or other agave-based spirit. .25 oz Campari .25 oz sweet vermouth .25 oz dry vermouth Fresh juice of one blood orange (about 2 oz). Shake over ice and pour into a glass filled with crushed ice or ice cubes. Garnish with citrus peel if you are so inclined.

blood orange This is a fantastic drink for people who like tequila but don’t like margaritas. (That’s me.) Also, it’s a great way to use winter citrus–any kind of blood orange, regular orange, or tangerine would work well. Would also be fantastic with grapefruit. Just be sure you squeeze it fresh as you are making and serving the drink–citrus juice gets bitter if you let it sit too long.

As for brands: I like a reposado tequila in this one. Try Don Julio if you don’t already have a favorite. Just make sure it says 100% Agave on the bottle. Make sure your vermouth is fresh (recently opened) and of good quality. Dolin is a good choice, but I injected an extra bit of awesomeness into this drink by making it with Punt e Mes and Vya.

Books by Amy Stewart The Drunken Botanist

Flower Confidential Book Cover

The Earth Moved Book Cover

From the Ground Up Book Cover

OK, here’s the deal: cocktail-friendly plants for your own garden, at your bar or restaurant, or on your farm–we’ve got them. The Territorial Seed Company has put together a Drunken Botanist Plant & Seed Collection based on my book of the same name, and wholesale grower Log House Plants, based in Oregon, is supplying the plants to garden centers and other retailers on the West Coast.

Here’s a list of participating retailers on the West Coast who will be offering the Drunken Botanist Plant Collection in their stores in 2013. Meanwhile, I’ve put together several pages of growing tips and recipes for the plants in the c0llection. You can find all of that right here, but I’ll also put some individual links below. The Mixologist’s Simple Syrup Collection: Six herbs that lend themselves to simple syrups, infused vodkas, homemade liqueurs, DIY bitters, and flavored salts and sugars. The Farmers Market Vodka Garden: Six herbs and vegetables that make fantastic sweet and savory vodka cocktails. The Old Havana Rum Garden: Fruit and herbs to pair with rum drinks, including a hard-to-find authentic Cuban mint. The Heart of Agave Tequila Garden: Okay, we didn’t put a lime tree in this collection–it wouldn’t fit in the six-pack–but you’ll find other fantastic herbs and fruits to pair with tequila and mezcal.

The Southern Belle Whiskey Garden: As with the tequila collection, I would have included a peach tree if I thought we could fit one in a six-pack! Instead, we have herbs whose sweet and savory notes work very well with whiskey, including the true Southern mint for mint juleps–just add your own sugar and ice! The Old Tom Gin Collection: What herbs, fruits, and vegetables don’t go with gin? We had a hard time narrowing it down, but we came up with some great choices, including the amazing, tiny, Mexican sour gherkin cucumbers. No bigger than an olive with tangy cucumber flavor! Incredible.

Black Currants: Log House is also selling black currants in a one-gallon size. Make your own cassis and you’ll be drinking Kir Royales all summer. If you want to know more, explore the rest of this site, check Territorial‘s website, read the book, and check out my cocktail gardening ideas on Pinterest. Click here to download a poster showing all the plants in the collection. Cheers! BUY HERBS ONLINE AT GARDEN DELIGHTS NURSERY

Quick Ways To Make Money

We sell plants affordable and are the wholesale grower source. Anyone that knows how to list products on Ebay can resell our products. It doesn't take a brain surgeon. Simply go online to Garden Delights Nursery, choose a couple products to sell - Top sellers that doesn't cost a lot to ship are, perennials, moss, ferns and ground covers.

Use our pictures and information and list your products for double of what we charge. Charge 15% shipping (that's what it costs us to ship to anywhere in the us). When you get a sale, simply go to our website and place the order. You can put your name and address and billing (and you can pay us via paypal also) and put your customer's shipping address also in our checkout and we will do all the work for you. All plants will ship out within 3-5 days UPS.

You sit back and list our plants and make money. When your receive an order, simply place your order online at our website at Garden Delights Nursery and put your customers name and address in the checkout and WHA LA- It's as easy as that.Make as little or as much as you want to reselling our products online.

One Tree Produces 40 Different Kinds Of Fruit

Here This looks like something out of the future, but apparently that future is now. One artist has figured out a way to grow 40 different kinds of stone fruit –- all on the same tree. The rendering of what the fully grown tree may look like, seen above, shows the multi-colored, pretty possibility. Sam Van Aken grew up on a farm in Pennsylvania, where he first learned about grafting, a technique of joining two genetically similar plants together. “I had started to use it in my artwork creating these sort of hybrids of plastic fruit as an art exhibition,” Van Aken said. “And then the idea came of, ‘Could I make this real?’” Van Aken returned to his farming roots to learn more about grafting, and in the process discovered more about the food industry that informed the shape of the project. At the grocery store we only see essentially three different varieties of plums, apricots and so forth. I had found this orchard of over 200-plus varieties of plums and apricots, and they were going to tear the orchard out and it struck something in me where I was like, ‘We can’t tear this orchard out. We have to keep this,’” he said. Van Aken focused on stone fruits since there are so many varieties and they’re all genetically similar enough to graft, and thus his Tree of 40 Fruit was born. “When I place them somewhere I’ll go to local orchards and local farms and collect their heirloom varieties and graft them onto a tree,” he said. “That way it becomes a sort of agricultural history.” For now, Van Aken has trees that are three years old, but the results are already visually stunning. To fund the project, Van Aken uses money from the sales of the trees, plus a grant from Creative Capitalm an art granting institution for innovative artists. Van Aken said he hopes to eventually use the project to create a huge heirloom archive of all the different fruit species. “Essentially just an enormous orchard that had all these different heirloom and native varieties, and they’d be living trees,” he said. HERE IS THE DIRECT LINK FROM ABC.COM NEWS BUY FRUIT TREES CLICK HERE

How To Make Big Money Reselling Products On Ebay

Do you want to start your on business but don't have a clue how to? Do you not have the money or resources to start a business? Well, let me share with you how to make a ton of money online and it only costs you whatever the cost to list a single item on ebay ($1, $2)....

There are folks re-selling our plants on Amazon, Ebay and On Their On Person Websites right now.

One lady makes over 50k per year to enhance her income. She worked a 9-5 job yet she can't make ends meet: She started looking online at reputable online nurseries selling small bare root bulbs and plants. She found us at Garden Delights Nursery.

She took our descriptions and pictures, listed them on ebay. She started out listing a couple fern plants and a couple perennial bulbs. She sold over 120 ferns the first day! She paid her electric bill within 20 minutes after listing our plants online.

We sell plants affordable and are the wholesale grower source. Anyone that knows how to list products on Ebay can resell our products. It doesn't take a brain surgeon. Simply go online to Garden Delights Nursery, choose a couple products to sell - Top sellers that doesn't cost a lot to ship are, perennials, moss, ferns and ground covers.

Use our pictures and information and list your products for double of what we charge. Charge 15% shipping (that's what it costs us to ship to anywhere in the us). When you get a sale, simply go to our website and place the order. You can put your name and address and billing (and you can pay us via paypal also) and put your customer's shipping address also in our checkout and we will do all the work for you. All plants will ship out within 3-5 days UPS.

You sit back and list our plants and make money. When your receive an order, simply place your order online at our website at Garden Delights Nursery and put your customers name and address in the checkout and WHA LA- It's as easy as that.Make as little or as much as you want to reselling our products online.

Free Cash - Make Money - Big Sale - Clearance Prices - Free - Cheap Deal - Fast Cash - Easy Ways To Make Money - Make A Killing

Bushes For Sale Online, Buy & Resell and make millions selling our products on ebay!!!! One lady made $54000.00 last year part time click here Tn Tree Farm Nursery

LOL Driftwood Makes The Heart Go Thump Thump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Driftwood? Great For Aquariums, Terrariums and in flower beds... Feel the love today and buy some click here garden plants nursery  

Apple Trees, Peach Trees, Plum Trees, Cherry Trees, Fig Trees All On Sale!

Click To See Our Fruit Trees

Cheap Plants For Sale

visit Tn Tree Farm Nursery

Perennials Dirt Cheap at Perennial Nursery Co

Perennial Plants Multiplies, Comes Back Up Every Spring & Lives For Decades

Moss Gardens Are The New Upscale In Landscape Designs

Garden Delights Nursery Voted #1 For Affordable Garden Plants 7 Years In A Row!

Instant Coupon To Use On Our Website To Buy Garden Plants, Live Moss, Ferns, Perennials & More

Enter coupon code "save15" to get 15% off storewide. Hurry, this offer won't last long. click here to go to Garden Delights Nursery

Live Moss Is Easy To Grow & Easier To Plant

Fern Plants Are Great For Areas of Shade & Make Great Border Plants

Trees Reduces Cooling Costs, Provides Fresh Air and Keeps Your Lawn Shaded in Hot Summer Months

Bushes Are Often Called The Backbone In Landscaping

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Perennials Make The Best Flower Gardens

Perennials are unlike annual plants.They live for a couple decades and also re bloom each spring or summer without having to be taken up for harsh winter climates. Perennial plants are hardy in most zones, 4-11 and multiplies also. They come in a large array of different colors. From brilliant yellows to vibrant reds, these type flowering plants are most gardeners joys as they watch them peep from the soil each spring to make full lovely plants.

Ajuga is a garden favorite. It's also called snow on the mountain. It has very deep hues of burgandy purple leaves and blooms in the summmer nice lavender blooms. It's a perennial groundcover.

The Hepatica is a small deep purple low growing perennial that prefers shade to sun. It's a hardy species and loves to be in moist zones of 4-9.

Buttercups, also known as daffodils are one of the first perennials to flower in early spring. In fact, old folks often says it will always snow on buttercups before spring and surprisingly, it usually does. They surely get in a rush to bloom the old timer's say:

Purple Coneflowers make a bold statement in a garden. They reach heights of 3 feet and stay bloomed for week in the mid summer months. Hummingbirds, butterflies and bees love the nectar in these beauties. They do well in zones 3-9 and are hardy and reseed themselves.This meaning they multiply and make more plants each year but are never invasive.

The Orange Day Lillies are a very unique yet delicate flower. Lillies are often the closest love next to roses for women of finer likings. Lillies are very subtle and often are used in the place of roses in weddings.

If your looking to buy any of the above perennials or perennial plants in general, check out Perennial Co, We specialize in mature blooming age bare root perennials at wholesale cost to the public. 56 years in the business gives us knowledge of how to effectively grow and ship state certified grade A plants.

Make More Cash Than You Can Spend

Looking for a job and need to make some fast cash? Start selling plants and veggies at a farmer's market or flea market. Almost every county has one and you can make a lot of fast cash by selling things that people wants to buy! There are all types of vegetables and garden plants that homeowner's are wanting. They are in high demand and if you can get items that's in demand, they will sell. Fern plants is a good start. you can buy ferns bare root online and buy potting soil and hanging baskets for a couple dollars and triple your money sell them at a roadside market or farmer's market.

Another good idea is selling perennials. Most avid gardeners loves flower beds. Perennials unlike annuals lives for over 10 years and reblooms every springtime. Choose bare root perennials and put them in stryofoam coffee cups and a little potting soil and quad drupple your money.

What about moss? What a fabulous idea and no one sells moss. Moss is excellent in shade areas and works well when planted around stepping stones or as a ground cover in shady areas in your garden.

Here are a few reputable nurseries and growers where you can actually buy plants cheap. Good quality. All you need to

Tn Nursery

Tree Nursery Co

Garden Delights Nursery

Trees For Sale Online

Quick Growing Tree Nursery

Garden Plants Nursery

Perennial Co

Perennial Gardens Are fun and easy

Plant perennials in your flower garden for a quick and easy way to improve your landscaping. Flower beds are used in many upscale properties to give the appearance of a completed look in landscaping. Everyone loves to visit a home, estate or restaurant where there is a well manicured lawn and lots of color in landscaping. You can easily maintain a landscape when you also plant vines under shrubs, hedges or perennials to prohibit weeds from growing in the area. No fuss landscaping is usually what hard working homeowner's wants. For those that doesn't have a lot of quality time to spend gardening yet wants a lush and lavish flower perennial garden, perennials and ground covers works well together.

Below is some places where you can order your plants reasonable priced and they deliver to your home or office.I bought our perennials for my flowers bed at Garden Delights and also purchased some ground covers to plant beside them to provide a thick carpet like appearance underneath them to stop weeds from growing.

Garden Delights Nursery

Tn Nursery

Trees For Sale Nursery

Tn Tree Farm Nursery

Garden Plants Nursery

Perennial Co

Low Cost Ways To Improve Your Home's Appearance For Resell

The first impression is usually the major make or break in selling a home.The American Realtor's Association states that landscaping increases a home's value by 11% plus raises the buy mode from potential buyers up to 18%. Since your home's outward appearance is the first thing a prospected buyer sees its super important to plant some trees, hedges, and shrubs.

Low cost ways to landscape is doing the task yourself. You can easily buy plants online and have them shipped to your home and plant them on the weekend to make a major improvements. All you will need is a spade to dig the holes.When you buy your landscaping trees and plants from a reputable nursery, they have already provided your plants with fertilizer needed for a year and all you need is to plant and watch them grow in to lovely plants.

Make sure you shop around and check prices. I bought my trees and shrubs to plant in my landscaping from some good nurseries that ships affordable and they also gave me grower prices. Don't go to those big garden centers that are retail. Find you a good reputable nursery online and buy them for a fraction of the price and landscape for less than $100.00 for what you'd pay a professional landscaper $2000.00 for.

Planting them yourself is easy, they come with planting instructions and all you need is one garden spade! Dont let those retail garden supply stores rip you off. Here are some places I bought from and their prices are affordable and service is quick and easy.

Quick Growing Tree Nursery

Forsythia For Sale Nursery

Garden Plants Nursery