Sunday, September 14, 2014

Types of Bird feeders

Birds are a unique, versatile creatures.  They make lovely music with their chirping and make our garden and landscape areas look alive with all of their humming and buzzing about.  With that in mind, we need to make sure that we put bird's feeders in our gardens to help them with food sources as the constant build up of areas has this limited in some places.  There are several kinds of bird's feeders you can enjoy in your garden.  Here are a few types to try out.  Tray and platform feeders are quite popular.  They attract a wider range of species including sparrows, pigeons and even finches. These kinds are that they do not keep the elements such as snow and rain out.  Once seeds become so wet, they can start to sprout, and birds have no use for this.  As moisture builds, they may also start growing fungus that will deter birds from feeding here.
If you choose to use, this kind makes sure to have a screen on the bottom so water, and other elements can drain out and make sure to empty and clean it at least once a week.  House feeders are another popular choice.  They keep the seeds dry and protected and will attract multitudes of different kinds of birds including finches, grosbeaks, cardinals, chickadees and sparrows.  What a variety!  If you have a smaller landscape, try a window feeder.  These attach to your glass using suction cups, and they have hooks that attach to the frames as well.  They bring finches, chickadees and many other birds to the area.  They also give you a personal and up close look at the beautiful wildlife in your area that will be something very wonderful to behold.  Tube feeders are also a great choice.  They keep the seeds dry and can keep most squirrels away from the area.  You will love watching the birds move around this tube and feed as it is quite interesting to watch.  Try one of these birds feeders in your garden soon and bring the wildlife to you.

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