Monday, September 15, 2014

Preventing Weeds

Weeding our garden and landscape areas can be quite time consuming and is not a favorite maintenance item on any gardener’s to do list. Several things to help keep weeds out and to make your garden or landscape area look healthier. In every square inch of your garden, there are hundreds of weed seeds.  However, not all of them will sprout as some are too far down in the soil to get any sunlight that is required this pests to grow and flourish.  So a great way to prevent more weeds from coming in is to not disturb the soil in your garden unless you need to.  

If you need to remove weeds, wait until the soil is moist and kill them at the root. It will keep the seeds lying in the soil never to bother anyone!  Mulching is also another way to keep these weeds at bay.  It will starve the weed seeds of sunlight which they need in order to grow. It keeps the soil moist which plants and flowers love and will  encourage growth and productivity.  If you do not like mulch you can also use other things such as wood chips, bark nuggets and pine needles to get the look and benefits that you want in your garden area.  You also want to weed areas if needed after a rain. The soils roots of the weeds will come out with little effort. Destroy weeds at the root to remove that one fully from the area without fear of it coming back over and again.  If weeds are larger you will have to lop off the head of the plant that will also keep it from spreading its seeds over your landscape.  Whatever method you use to keep weeds out your garden area, just make sure to be smart and efficient in the removal and prevention of this time consuming plants.

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