Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Homeowner's Favorite Garden Shrubbery

Top Choices In Garden Shrubs

The versatile, sweet-smelling family of roses adds beauty, romance, and whimsy to any garden. Roses come in gorgeous purple, classic red, cheery yellow, and gleaming white. You can find a rose of any size or color to complement your yard, or to plant in flower beds and pots for porches. Roses endure well in many climates and can even survive drought conditions, and their ease of cultivation make them an excellent flower for beginners.

Azaleas are a hardy flower able to thrive in a variety of climates, perfect for gardeners with temperamental temperatures. They come in a full spectrum of vibrant colors. The large size and tempting fragrance of rhododendron azaleas make them the bell of the ball, while the more modest Piedmont pink azaleas provide a delightful complement to showcase your more illustrious plants, or to line your driveways and fences with a splash of color.

Bamboo can add an air of ancient exoticism with its distinctive, stoic stalks. No need to wait on bamboo -- it can grow to its full height in only a few short months. Create a forest wreathed in mist and mystery. They're great for the environment, too: bamboo make more oxygen than other trees, and its stalks can be harvested for use in furniture and home decor. As evergreens, you can enjoy them year round.

Shape your landscape with hardy hedges surrounding your garden like the frame to a work of art, sculpted to accentuate the borders of the land or give your home privacy. In shades of cool emerald and warm gold, easy to grow and maintain, they can wreathe any landscape in any climate. Pruned or unpruned, hedges have been a horticultural staple throughout history.

All of these are good beginner's plants, for their hardiness and ease of care. Combine all four to transform your outdoors into a green paradise. You can find these and more available to buy at Garden Delights Nursery.

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