Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Protecting Your Garden Plants From Old Man Winter's Chill

Protecting Perennials  and other Garden Plants over the Winter

Perennials are plants that live more than two years. Although they are meant to live for a number of years, they may need some protection to survive the winter months. The type of protection depends on the plant and the type of winter weather your area usually experiences. If you live in an area that has extreme winter weather you will need to take additional steps to protect your plants.

Perennials that are classified as hardy can typically survive the winter months with little or no protection. Even though they are able to survive winter months, they may not be able to survive heat and drought. Plants that are half-hardy or tender perennials will likely survive mild winter weather but need protection for severe cold and snow.

The most common type of protection in colder parts of the country is to use mulch, such as bark chips or a layer of leaves. In some areas, gardeners leave dead foliage to protect their plants, but by doing this you run the risk of disease or insect problems. If you do leave the dead foliage during the winter months, it is advised to remove it as early as possible in the spring.

By applying mulch you help the plants to stay dormant. If the mulch is applied too early, when the soil temperature is still warm it will cause the plant to continue to grow and subject to damage during the winter.

It is important to research what kind of protection is advised for your area. Experts at nurseries and gardens can provide you with guidelines on how and when to protect your plants so you can enjoy them for multiple years. 
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