Once you pick your plants then you need to get the other supplies. The Supplies that you need are your glass container, activated charcoal pieces, potting soil, gloves, your plants, sheet moss, and a watering can. Now it is time to assemble your terrarium garden. Step one is to fill the bottom of your glass container with one to two inches of the charcoal. Now combined the soil and a little bit of extra charcoal with your hand. Then add the soil mixture to your glass container filling it one third to a forth full All that is left is to add your plants to your soil. Be sure not to jam your terrarium too full of plants or they may not do well. Once you have put your plants in you can add more soil to pack down if needed and then water your plants. Be sure to place your terrarium so it can get some natural sunlight. Just read about what type of sun your plants like. Remember this is your terrarium so make it how you want and have fun. This is a very easy project to complete and every terrarium turns out beautiful. This is also a great gift for family or a friend. So get creative and get to work!
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